"Artashat-Vincon" is the only one of the RA brandy factories with its geographical location, which stands in front of the biblical Mount Ararat.
The "Artashat-Vincon" CJSC produces wine material, conducts distillation - turning wine material into the brandy alcohol.
The brandy spirits from grape harvests of 1971 - 2023, in the process of ageing in the two-story cellars of 15000 m2 area.
The plant, being multi-profile, inherited the best traditions and retained a worthy place in the brandy and wine industry of Armenia.
For decades, the company has strengthened its reputation as a reliable partner for both Armenian and foreign organizations.

The merchant of the first guild, the supervisor of the school near St Sargis church Nerses Tairyan is considered to be the founder of Armenian wine and brandy making.
In 1877 he founded the wine factory on the ruins of Erivan fortress.

Nerses Tairyan had some difficulties with the realization of the ready products, and in 1898 he rented then in 1899 he sold his factory to the "N.L. Shustov and Sons" company, that was the leading producer of the Russian alcoholic spirits in the 19th century. In 1899 the "N.L. Shustov and Sons" purchased the "Armenian Wine, Brandy and Alcohol Factory" from Nerses Tairyan, and began expanding their raw material supply basis.
In 1904, they established the ARTASHAT WINE FACTORY.The "N.L. Shustov and Sons"manufactured brandy brands: One-Year, Two-Year, Fin Champagne, Fin Champagne Best, Extra, that contained 60% spirit by volume.

In Armenia (after joining the USSR in 1922) all the winemaking enterprises were nationalized and
collectively were called ARARAT TREST
During the 70 years of the USSR, the ARTASHAT WINE FACTORY was expanded and rebuilt. The
Rectification-Tower - first in the Republic, the bottling-unit - the second by power after "Yerevan Wine
Factory", the only unit for grape concentrate production and other relevant units were installed at the

In 1995, this Factory was privatized. Privatization opened new
horizons for the owner, who always seeks
the perfection of the business.
Thanks to the hard work of the highly
qualified professionals, a new page in the
Armenian brandy production was

In 2002, the "Artashat Wine and Brandy Factory"OJSC was transformed into the "Artashat-Vincon"

The area of the cellars is 15,000 m2, where:
- 6 mln liters a/a cognac spirits from harvest 1979-2021
- 1 million liters a/a whiskey (malt and blended)
- 1 million liters a/a of fruit (apricot, plum, mulberry, apple, peach) distillates.
Annual production of cognac distillates - up to 1.8 mln l a/a
Annual productivity of cognacs from 3-year-old to 25-year-old - more than 3 million l a/a
The composting workshop is equipped with deionizer, powerful freezing aggregates, color-cooking Boiler which allow to process 5000 DL brandy in one day.
Barrel-workshop, for repairs and making new oak-barrels;
Laboratory for the necessary research at all stages of the production process;
Auto Park;
Supporting facilities and much more.